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Naturopathic Wisdom
Become the expert on your body and get empowered about your health.
Learn how to treat digestive issues naturally, how to eat intuitively, and more!

Lauren Jane
2 min read
Iced Sage Tea for Hot Flushes
Sage - Salvia Officinale Sage has been used for centuries. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) menopausal symptoms like hot flushes are...

Lauren Jane
3 min read
How To Live By The Seasons & Thrive
Adjusting your diet and lifestyle to align with the cycles of nature will elevate your health exponentially.

Lauren Jane
4 min read
Oils To Enjoy & Oils To Limit
I'm a mayonnaise addict. No word of a lie. If I am addicted to anything I can safely say it's mayonnaise. A year ago I would have...

Lauren Jane
6 min read
Where You Buy Your Supplements MATTERS.
Far too often, when people want to buy a supplement, they hop online, pop down to the pharmacy, or worse, they head to the supermarket....

Lauren Jane
3 min read
Top 4 Tips to Make Your Drinks More Liver-Friendly
Some people like to hold onto the idea that alcohol – such as a glass of good red – can be healthy. We know in truth, however, that there...

Lauren Jane
3 min read
Functional Medicine Testing
Naturopathy is a holistic approach to healthcare that focuses on identifying and treating the underlying causes of health issues. In...

Lauren Jane
3 min read
Anti-Reflux Medications: What You Should Know
Proton Pump Inhibitors are commonly used for the treatment of conditions like gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD), ulcers and...

Lauren Jane
3 min read
Heal Fatty Liver Disease Naturally
Non-alcoholic fatty liver (NAFLD) disease, more commonly referred to as 'fatty liver' shows up when we have an excess of fats known as...

Lauren Jane
4 min read
Feeding Your Microbiome: Prebiotics & Ferments
Like every surface of your body, the lining of your gut is covered with microscopic bacteria which make up a micro-ecosystem, called the...

Lauren Jane
4 min read
Nutrition 101 - What are my macronutrients?
Good nutrition is of course, key to good health. We need the right food like a car needs the right fuel to run efficiently. An easy way...

Lauren Jane
3 min read
Embarking Upon a Diet? Read this first.
If you want to change your body, that's your prerogative. After all, women have been changing their appearance for millennia. People dye...

Lauren Jane
5 min read
Are You a Dairy Queen?
If you or a friend have ever been to a naturopath you probably know that we're not huge fans of the effect dairy has on the body. Don't...

Lauren Jane
4 min read
Burping, Bloating & Indigestion - Low Digestive Enzymes
Do you suffer with bloating, indigestion or burping? Perhaps you lack appetite? This article is going to delve into how insufficient...

Lauren Jane
2 min read
Winter Apple-Cinnamon Porridge
This is the perfect weekend breakfast for a cold winter morning. It's lovely and warming for digestion and full of fibre to feed your gut...

Lauren Jane
4 min read
How Much Water Should I Drink Per Day?
Let's first talk about why hydration matters at all. Imagine your body's cells, tissues, and organs as a thriving ecosystem, with water...

Lauren Jane
3 min read
Should I Eat Before Exercise?
It depends. I think it's a common misconception that we must eat or have a pre-workout formula before exercise to ensure we have enough...

Lauren Jane
4 min read
Are You an Emotional Eater?
Emotional eating is when we eat (consciously or unconsciously) in response to certain emotions. They can range from sadness to stress,...

Lauren Jane
3 min read
Why Am I So Tired?
Did you know that women report fatigue almost twice as often as men? While we know that fatigue is commonly caused by insufficient or...

Lauren Jane
3 min read
Not All Fat is Unhealthy
'Healthy' doesn't look the same on everyone and the weight someone sits at when they feel their best varies and expands across all...

Lauren Jane
4 min read
Is Intermittent Fasting Good For Women?
If you’ve thought about intermittent fasting and want to reap the benefits, but you've also heard it's no longer considered 'healthy' or...
Understand The Basics
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