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Get The Advice You Need
To Feel Better Naturally.

Welcome to Our Free Online Naturopathic Gut Health Assessment

Have you got ten minutes to set aside for your health?
Give yourself this and you'll be blessed with the personalised advice you need.

If you've found yourself here I imagine you're feeling a bit off.
Maybe you're bloated, struggling with food intolerances, your gut just isn't quite right or you're overindulging and looking to find balance again.
If it feels like time to become friends with your body again, I get it.

Expert Advice For You, Delivered To Your Email

If you've felt off track with your health, and know you need some expert advice, you're in the right place.


Maybe you're not quite ready to work with a practitioner or make a full commitment but you want to know how natural medicine can help. That's OK, we've got what you need.


This in-depth assessment was developed by me, an accredited clinical naturopath, for you, so that you can feel better and get professional advice in the simplest way possible.


Also, what better way to understand those sometimes embarrassing symptoms, without having to chat about them in person with your healthcare practitioner?

Free Call Lauren Jane
Kiyah Wellness assessment report

The illustration on the cover of your free report is designed by Classic Katsara - NFT Artist, Illustrator and Designer, based in Switzerland. You can find her stunning work here.

Have The Tools To Feel Better in 10 Minutes!

Answer the questions in the assessment as best you can, and in return, you'll get all the info you need to make simple changes that will have you feeling better again before you know it.
The assessment should take you approximately ten minutes to complete. Your answers are confidential and will remain that way.

The prescription you receive is compiled by me. I have almost 15 years of experience treating women's health conditions and specifically digestion (including my own!).

Inside is a wealth of invaluable advice, unique to the answers you provide in the assessment. Find out how you can improve your health and digestion through simple tips, suggestions and recommendations, now.

Once You’ve Completed the Assessment You'll Gain Access
To Your All Natural Prescription.

this includes

Targeted Dietary Advice

Realistic Lifestyle Tips

A Supplement Prescription

Relevant Blog Articles

Your free, comprehensive naturopathic all-natural prescription

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