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Bad digestion isn't just about the food you're eating.
It’s about what we’re thinking and what we haven’t processed emotionally in our lives.
We spend so much time escaping ourselves through food, alcohol and screen time
that in order to heal our digestion, we have to heal our lives.
Click on an icon above to start your healing journey.

Your Free Gut Health Guide
Essential Steps to Begin Healing Your Gut At Home

Hi,I'm Lauren
I'm a clinical naturopath, nutritionist, herbalist and the founder of Kiyah Wellness.
I know what it feels like to suffer with bloating, food intolerances and other not-so-fun tummy issues. I disliked my body, used food to manage my emotions and I was clueless about how certain foods and 'undigested' emotions impacted my gut health.
That was until I decided to dig deep, do the work and complete a Bachelor of Psychology and a Bachelor of Health Science. Now I feel great, eat what I want and have a unique lens through which I help other women feel the same!

Know you're in good hands
Professional registration and our functional medicine partners


Package Options
Packages To Start Your Healing Journey
Emotional Eating Survival Guide
Stress eating & over-indulging causes digestive issues.
Get on top of it today, for free.

Don't ignore symptoms
They're your body's way of speaking to you.
Latest Naturopathic Wisdom
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