Your menstrual cycle is a reflection of your overall health. What is yours telling you?
Women’s hormones are powerful - and when they’re out of whack, all areas of health are negatively influenced.
A healthy digestive tract goes hand in hand with healthy hormonal balance. This is because our gut plays a crucial role in hormone clearance. Turning to drugs like the oral contraceptive pill (OCP) or hormone replacement therapy (HRT) may appear to help but in reality, it's a flawed approach. These drugs can not regulate our menstrual cycle nor will they support a healthy transition into menopause. Rather, they suppress symptoms and disregard whispers from the body that something deeper needs addressing.
Our 'Balance Your Hormones' package provides the insight, herbal medicines, dietary advice and personalised guidance you need to feel like your best self.
Our Balance Your Hormones Package
Is For You, If You're Struggling With...
Perimenopause or menopause
Irregular, heavy or absent periods
Pre-menstrual symptoms
Recurrent infections (like thrush or bacterial vaginosis)
Low mood, irritability, anger or mood fluctuations
Fluid retention
Change in body composition
Lack of lubrication (dry vagina)
Painful intimacy
Hot flushes
Other hormone-related symptoms

…. it’s time to ask for support.

Working Together Will Mean:
Better Sleep
Happier Mood
More Energy
A Healthy Libido and Happy Vagina
Pain-free, Comfortable Intimacy
Happier Digestion (better hormone clearance)
A Regular Cycle, or;
A Smooth Transition Through Peri into Menopause
And much more!

Our Balance Your Hormones Package includes: ​
1 x initial naturopathic consultation (60 minutes)
1 x check-in call (20 minutes)
2 x follow-up online consultations (30 minutes each)
2 x tailored hormone-balancing formulas (incl. shipping)
Comprehensive hormone testing (optional extra)
VALUE $650
PLUS access to the Kiyah Community Facebook Support Group
In our private Facebook support group you can ask us questions anytime. You will see weekly updates, inspiration, challenges, helpful handouts, and more. You’ll also be able to interact with other women just like you, and support one another.